Strong as a Mother.. With a Healthy Kid!

Recently, I had the awesome opportunity to be introduced to Delish General Store, an adorable all around shop based out of Vancouver. They carry everything from tanks, onesies, baby moccs, baskets, notepads, office paper, and even beautiful Talisman necklaces. You can honestly get carried away by just looking at what all they carry.

Ok. Back to the point.

I was sent a "Strong As a Mother" tank top, as seen below. Isn't it lovely?? I think it describes me perfectly. I love the material that its made of as it was durable enough to workup a sweat in, yet cozy enough to fall asleep in.

The tank comes in two colors-you pick! They are equally as comfy!

We were also sent a "Healthy Kid" Baby Onesie (they come in tees as well for your toddler!). This totally describes my little man to a T! It made me happy to see him wearing it. I know it seems silly, but just by seeing the onesie on him, it sort of inspired and reassured me that I was, in fact, doing a great job at raising a healthy kid!

Adorable, right? I can't stand it!!

To get your own tank or onesie, visit Delish General Store and tell them that Sia from Diary of a Fit Mommy sent you.

Also, be sure to follow Delish General Store on Facebook and Twitter!
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