5 Easy Ways to Manage Everyday Stress

Stress happens to the best of us. Whether its due to work, parenting, or relationships, it can feel inevitable! But, there are many easy and practical ways to handle your stress!

Five of my favorite ways to reduce stress are:

1. Working out regularly. I aim to workout 5 days per week for at least 45 minutes. I enjoy running on my incline trainer for 20 minutes while lifting weights for 25 minutes. After each session, I instantly feel happier-thanks to the endorphins!

2. Practicing Yoga. Yoga is a great way to unwind after a long, stressful day. When I am unable to attend a class, I love using YouTube for free yoga sessions! My favorite position is the Downward Dog because I can literally feel the stresses slip away.

3. Eating a well balanced diet. Eating a healthy, rounded diet is super important to my family and I. Every Sunday, I create my grocery list to go shopping. This is also the day that I do all of my meal prepping for the week. 

4. Listening to relaxing music. Music is a powerful motivator and can help perk up your mood before you even realize it! Using music to reduce stress is also very powerful in itself. My favorite genres to relax to are classical or anything instrumental. 

5. Taking a multi-vitamin daily. Often overlooked by many, this is probably my favorite way to handle stress because good health starts from the inside out. But I don't take just any multi-vitamin, I love taking Airborne ™ Everyday Immune Support Gummies.

First off-I love gummies! I hate pills, capsules, and tablets and some people honestly cannot swallow them without difficulty; therefore, it was nice to see a multi-vitamin gummy out there.

The gummies come in an assortment of citrus-y fruit colors which were very tasty. They were also super easy to chew and did not have that "gumdrop" texture that breaks apart easy (I HATE Gumdrops candy).

Here is a chance for YOU to win your very own supply of these tasty multi-vitamin gummies! 

All you have to do is comment on this post below to tell us how you handle stress in your life and whether or not you have used Airborne products before, and then follow the directions on the Rafflecopter below to enter to win:

Disclaimer: This post was sponsored by Airborne ™ and I was given Airborne ™ Everyday Gummies to test, at no cost. All opinions are my own.
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