My Newest Favorite Workout MUST HAVE for Shin Splints & Calf Pain!

Hey ladies!

Are any of you out there dealing with shin splints or calf cramps while or after working out? 

I remember when I was pregnant, specifically, my ankles would swell so badly-especially while working out. It was actually quite painful at times. Someone had told me about the use of calf compression sleeves, but I never really gave it much thought.

Nowadays after baby, I have been getting tons of shin splints whenever I run or do my cardio. I am not sure if my body's circulation has completely changed after birth or what, but it sucks!

Thankfully, I have finally found a solution. I decided to give the calf compression sleeves a try and chose Physiofinity. After reading a lot on their brand and their product, I felt pretty confident and excited to try them out!

As soon as I put them on, my legs immediately felt lighter. It was quite lovely! I started running on my incline trainer and surprisingly my calves no longer hurt when I raised the incline level. I was shocked and relieved!

I never really understood calf compression sleeves so I never gave them a try. It is such a shame that I am just NOW using them because they would have been SO helpful during pregancy!!!

The primary benefits of calf compression sleeves:
  • Reduces Shin Splint Pain
  • Decreases Recovery Time
  • Increases Warm Up Speeds
  • Prevents Calf Strain
  • Minimizes Lactic Acid Build-Up
  • Relieves Heavy Aching Legs
  • Reduces Calf Cramps
  • Increases Circulation
How the calf compression sleeves work:
  1. You wear both compression sleeves on your lower legs or calves. You can wear them under your pants or shorts-however, you would like. 
  2. The lower portion of the sleeve, near the ankles, creates a funnel-like effect with decreased compression as you move towards the top of the sleeve. 
  3. This effect moves de-oxygenated blood from the lower legs back to the heart more quickly, which boosts circulation - increasing the rate at which oxygenated blood flows into your muscles. This reduces the effects of fatigue, aids in faster recovery and decreases muscle soreness post workout.

My husband and I both love our Physiofinity calf compression sleeves. It is great knowing that there is a lifetime guarantee on these and I do plan on using them especially during my next pregnancy to help reduce the swelling and pain in my legs as I workout (and in general)!

They are only $19.99 and you can purchase them exclusively through by clicking here

However, we would love to offer you a gift of $5 off of your purchase by using promo code FITMOMMY at checkout!

Also, Physiofinity would like to offer you a copy of their free Stretching Guide by clicking here. Pretty sweet, huh?

Don't forget to check out Physiofinity on Facebook and Twitter!

Disclaimer: I was given calf compression sleeves to test, at no cost. All opinions are my own.
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