4 Exercise Moves to Add Curves to Your Body

If you are naturally slender and are wanting to add some curve to your body, your goal will be to gain muscle mass-in the right places. First and foremost-make sure you are eating enough to maintain muscle production and make sure you are eating at least 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight!
Here are four moves that will help add curves to your body from head to toe:

1. Barbell Squats
  • Stand tall with your feet hip width apart and the barbell over your shoulders, gripped tightly in each hand.
  • Start to lower your body back as far as you can by pushing your hips back and bending your knees and pushing your body weight into your heels
  • Keep a neutral spine at all times and never let your knees go over your toes
  • The lower body should be parallel with the floor and your chest should be lifted at all times not rounded.
  • Pause then lift back up in a controlled movement to the starting position
2, Russian Twists
  • Sit on the floor with your knees bent and your feet flat on the ground.
  • Lean back so your torso is at a 45-degree angle to floor, making sure to keep the spine straight and not rounded.
  • Lace your arms straight out in front of your chest with one hand on top of the other.
  • Race your core and slowly rotate round to the right as far as you can, pause then reverse this movement all the way round to the left as far as you can.
  • That is 1 rep.
3. Barbell Curls
  • Stand up with your torso upright while holding a barbell at a shoulder-width grip. The palm of your hands should be facing forward and the elbows should be close to the torso. This will be your starting position.
  • While holding the upper arms stationary, curl the weights forward while contracting the biceps as you breathe out. Tip: Only the forearms should move.
  • Continue the movement until your biceps are fully contracted and the bar is at shoulder level. Hold the contracted position for a second and squeeze the biceps hard.
  • Slowly begin to bring the bar back to starting position as your breathe in.
  • Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions.
4. Calf Raises
  • Stand with your torso upright holding two dumbbells in your hands by your sides. Place the ball of the foot on a sturdy and stable wooden board (that is around 2-3 inches tall) while your heels extend off and touch the floor. This will be your starting position.
  • With the toes pointing either straight (to hit all parts equally), inwards (for emphasis on the outer head) or outwards (for emphasis on the inner head), raise the heels off the floor as you exhale by contracting the calves. Hold the top contraction for a second.
  • As you inhale, go back to the starting position by slowly lowering the heels.
  • Repeat for the recommended amount of times.
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