How to Keep Your Baby Asleep As You Sneak Away

Have you ever heard of Finch Designs

This sweet little Etsy shop sells teething necklaces, rings, and bracelets, infinity scarves, door silencers, top knot beanies, bibdanas, knotted headbands, and more!

I was recently gifted a Door silencer to make our son's naptime experience a little bit easier... at least the sneaking away part!

Finch Designs sells a ton of cute different prints and I chose the gold polka dotted one. Because, well, I am just obsessed with dots. Plus, the other side is Chevron! 

The door silencers are only $6.50 each and feature two loops-one to go on each side of the door's knobs.

Then you simply shut the door-without making a loud noise and waking up your baby. Because, who wants that?

And that is it! Simple as that. Happy baby, happy parents.

To get your own door silencer for your nursery, visit Finch's Etsy shop.

Also, please be sure to like them on Facebook for future deals, sales, and for the newest products!

Disclaimer: I was given a door silencer to test, at no cost. All opinions are my own. 
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