5 Steps to Easily Babyproofing Your iPhone or Ipad

My toddler son is constantly reaching for my iPhone. Some days, he sneaks in and grabs it without me even noticing! Next thing I know, a contact has been blocked, apps have disappeared, a random number has been dialed, and my Facebook status has been updated! Oh no... 

Sure, setting a passcode is great idea, but sometimes even that is not enough. 

When you are busy cooking dinner, on a long drive to a vacation, or on a conference call from home, giving your toddler your iPad or iPhone to play with may be your only hope for the next 5 minutes. Here is how to disable the hardware buttons and let your child play in just one app-without messing things completely up!

Set Up:
  1. Go into your iPhone or iPad settings app.
  2. Click on "General."
  3. Next, click on "Assessibility."
  4. Find the "Guided Assessibility" option and turn it to "on."
  5. Set your passcode (just for this feature).
To Use:
  1. Go to the app you want to lock such as YouTube, Disney Junior, Nickelodeon, etc.
  2. Triple tap the home button to activate the guided access feature.
  3. Select options to turn touch, motion, and the hardware buttons OFF.
  4. Let your baby play.
  5. When finished, triple tap the home button to turn the guided access off.
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