"Love Your Legs" Valentine's Day Workout

10 Inner Thigh Lifts
Dance Spirit shoot at 16 Beaver Studio 11/19/12. Credit Photo: Erin Baiano
  • Lie on your left side, flat against the floor.Rest your head on your left upper arm.
  • Bend your right (top) leg at the knee and cross over in front of left leg. Rest your right arm on your right hip.
  • Keep your left leg straight. Using inner thigh muscle (adductor), lift left leg 6 inches off floor. Keep left toe in flexed position (not a pointed position). Exhale (breathe out) as you lift your leg.
  • Using resistance with the inner thigh muscle (not gravity), slowly lower your leg. Inhale (breathe in) as you lower your leg.
  • Repeat entire sequence on your right side.
20 Skater Lunges
  • Perform a reverse lunge with your back leg slightly at an angle.
  • Leap to the side and bring the opposite leg behind you, only tapping your toe to the ground.
  • Immediately jump back the other direction and continue alternating until you feel the burn.
  • Form check: Keep your knees bent and stay as low as possible to really work your quads.
30 Side Lying Scissor Kicks
  • Lie on your left side with your legs extended and on top of each other.
  • Bend your left arm and place it under your head for support and place your right hand on the floor in front of you.
  • Engage your abdominals and glutes and raise your right leg up about 30 degrees and hold it in this position.
  • Lift your left leg off the floor and bring it up toward your right leg.
  • Pause two seconds and slowly return both legs to the starting position.
  • Switch sides.
15 Fire Hydrants
  • Place your body on an all-fours position. Elbows should be slightly bent.
  • Back should be parallel to the ground, not arched or swayed downward.
  • Keeping the kneeling position raise left leg out to the side, parallel to the ground. Maintain for a second and slowly return to the initial position.
  • Repeat movement with same leg until set is finished. Repeat the exercise using the right leg.
30 Step Ups
  • Stand with dumbbells grasped to sides facing side of bench.
  • Place foot of first leg on bench. Stand on bench by extending hip and knee of first leg and place foot of second leg on bench.
  • Step down with second leg by flexing hip and knee of first leg.
  • Return to original standing position by placing foot of first leg to floor.
  • Repeat first step with opposite leg alternating first steps between legs
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