This morning, I sat comparing photos of myself. The photo of the left was taken 9 months ago.. the photo on the right was taken this morning. 

It is amazing the response that you get from your body when you shock with with some good old fashioned hard work.

I don't use many supplements really-just protein powder, protein shakes, BCAAs, fish oil, Biotin, and a multi-vitamin. No fat burners or gimmicks.

I am still breastfeeding at this time and have no plans on stopping. The hormones from the process have made it harder to build muscle, but I continued on and kept pushing harder. 

I work my lower body 3-4 times a week with barbell squats in addition to my Fit Mommy Booty Bootcamp program.

I eat protein at every meal and rely heavily on clean foods. I eat a bowl of yogurt, honey, and granola every night before bedtime to make sure I get enough calories in.

I am preparing my body for my next pregnancy as my husband and I would like to conceive again sometime this year.

This time around, I plan to lift more during my pregnancy and focus on what was once my problem area-my butt, hips, and thighs.

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