Personal Life Update

Hi ladies! I hope you all have been wonderful!

From time to time, I like to check in with all of you to let you know how life is going.

Sometimes with all the things that life brings, it tends to get a little bit hectic, but I still like to maintain a personal relationship with you guys as much as possible.

Some news for you all:

1.) I have gotten off of my birth control and my Zoloft. YAY! My husband and I are hoping to conceive our next bundle of joy sometimes soon, but I am aiming for possibly the summer. But I know it will happen when God allows it to happen. I just wanted to make sure that I had zero medication in my system just as last time so that there will be no side effects. We are hoping for another BOY, but we will be blessed with a healthy baby in general!

2.) I have joined team MRM! I am still with Labrada, but I am so excited to be welcomed on as an ambassador for MRM-I absolutely adore their wellness line and their line of natural and safe protein that I feel comfortable taking while breastfeeding my son. I am still breastfeeding and am hoping to throughout my next pregnancy. 

If you are interested in ANY MRM product, feel free to use my personal discount to save 40% off of your entire order by using code SIA at checkout here.

3.) I have completely transformed my body as of late. I honestly did not start back to my usual routine until months after my son was born. But, now, I have been on a comitted lifting regimine for 4 months now and have been gaining lean muscle mass and feeling more sexier than ever before. I have been doing zero cardio, but we are about to buy a new treadmill (thank-you, taxes!) so that should pick up the rest of the slack. Here are some photos:

Photo: Today is arm day. I really love arm day!  @danalinnbailey I'm coming for you! Just kidding. Please don't beat me up. Love you. ••••••••••••••••• #guns #workout #lift #strong #weights #teammrm #fitness #protein #bcaas #carbs #asiangenessuck

Also, I have been going in full swing with my online coaching chat sessions! I have been offering chat sessions to speak one-on-one with anyone who needs fitness, diet, breastfeeding, or even love advice. It has been going so well and I couldn't be happier! If you would like to chat with me, come check it out and we will get you fitted right on in!

Also, we have been working on a new site, but it has been a bit slower than we would like. I will update you guys on when it is all set and ready to go! For now, be sure to sign up for our newsletter for the latest posts, tips, and recipes:

I hope you all are doing amazing and I am so happy and grateful to have your readership, love, and support.

I love you all!

Sia Cooper

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