Jason Derulo "Talk Dirty" One Song Workout

Jason Derulo "Talk Dirty" Workout

This song is about 3 minutes long. The following workout is tailored to suit the timing to the above song.

5 Calf Raises
10 Tricep Dips
15 Mountain Climbers
20 Arm Circles
25 Sumo Squats
30 Second Wall Sit
35 Side Lunges
40 Second Plank

Arm Circles:
  • Start by standing straight with your feet shoulder width apart. Your arms should be straight out to the sides, so that your body forms a T.
  • Slowly start by making small circular motions with both arms on either side. After a few repetitions of small circles, enlarge your circles and do the same amount of reps.
  • Your end position should look the same as the start position. Breathe in and out, and release arms to the side of the body.
Side Lunges
  • Stand with your feet set about twice shoulder width apart, your feet facing straight ahead.
  • Clasp your hands in front your chest.
  • Shift your weight over to your right leg as you push your hips backward and lower your body by dropping your hips and bending your knees.
  • Your lower right leg should remain nearly perpendicular to the floor.
  • Your left foot should remain flat on the floor.
  • Without raising yourself back up to a standing position, reverse the movement to the left. Alternate back and forth.
Wall Sit
  • Stand in front of a wall (about 2 feet in front of it) and lean against it.
  • Slide down until your knees are at about 90-degree angles and hold, keeping the abs contracted, for 60 seconds.
  • Come back to start and repeat, holding the squat at different angles to work the lower body in different ways.
  • Position your hands shoulder-width apart on a secured bench or stable chair.
  • Slide your butt off the front of the bench with your legs extended out in front of you.
  • Straighten your arms, keeping a little bend in your elbows to keep tension on your triceps and off your elbow joints.
  • Slowly bend your elbows to lower your body toward the floor until your elbows are at about a 90-degree angle. Be sure to keep your back close to the bench.
  • Once you reach the bottom of the movement, press down into the bench to straighten your elbows, returning to the starting position. This completes one rep.
  • Start off on a yoga mat in the pushup position. Starting with the pushup position is the easiest way to get into the plank.
  • Lower both your forearms to the ground so that both your elbows and fists are flat to the ground. Your palms should be balled up, and directly underneath your shoulders.
  • Curl your toes under and engage your abs by tilting your pelvis and pulling your belly button toward your spine.
  • Straighten your body but keep your neck and spine neutral. Imagine that you’re a plank of wood, and that you’re straight as an arrow.
  • Flex your abdominals and squeeze your glutes. These are the two major muscle groups you’ll be working out in this exercise.
  • Hold this position, also known as the plank, until after the burning begins. Keep your eyes on the floor in front of you. Avoid raising your behind. Your body should make a straight line from your heels to the back of your head.
High Knees
  • In basic high knees, you need to stand still with your feet hip-width apart. Pull your right knee towards your chest and keep it there for 3 seconds. Now move it back to the original position and then repeat the step.
  • Now do the same gesture with the left knee.
Calf Raises
  • Stand on the edge of a step.
  • Stand tall with your abdominals pulled in, the balls of your feet firmly planted on the step, and your heels hanging over the edge.Rest your hands against a wall or a sturdy object for balance.
  • Raise your heels a few inches above the edge of the step so that you’re on your tiptoes.
  • Hold the position for a moment, and then lower your heels below the platform, feeling a stretch in your calf muscles.
Mountain Climbers
  • Start the exercise by lying face down on the floor.
  • Straighten out your arms and then touch your knees down to the ground or floor.
  • Now you are ready to lift yourself up into position. When doing this, be sure that your hands are directly under your chest at a width that is slightly more than your shoulder length distance.
  • Once you have settled into position and checked the position of your hands you should be sure to keep your legs stretched out, ensuring that they are properly lined up with the rest of your body. Pay special attention to your knees as many people tend to create a gap here but that should be avoided. If the recommended position is uncomfortable for you, it is alright to modify it slightly as long as you maintain the correct posture.
  • Now you should stretch out your left leg for stability. Bend your right knee and bring it up in the direction of your right hand. At this point, you should be in a similar position to the one you would be in if you were climbing a mountain or tree (hence the name) except horizontal instead of vertical.
  • After bringing your right knee up, return it to the original position and do the previous step with your left leg. (Once again, bend the left knee and bring it up towards the left hand mimicking the actions of a mountain climber)
Sumo Squats
  • Stand with your feet 6-12 inches wider than your shoulders and point your toes outward at around a 45° angle.
  • Keeping your weight in your heels, slowly lower your bodyweight down.
  • Make sure that your knees do not go over your toes.
  • Lower your hips until your thighs are at least parallel to the ground (or as close as you can get), then slowly return to a standing position.
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