How the DietBet Works

For those who have asked about our upcoming DietBet and how it works, this will help explain.

  1. You weigh in and place your bet ($25).
  2. You eat healthy and workout for 28 days to lose at least 4% of your starting weight.
  3. You weigh out.
  4. If you win, you split a part of the pot (earnings). All of my players in the past have won more than their bet which is great! Plus it is fun and super motivating :)
Plus you will have a super supportive community of others who are trying to reach the same goals as you and to help keep you accountable.

This will be the last DietBet I host for a long time since this year has a lot of busy coming my way!

So break out your clean eating grocery list (I have one for you if you need!) and get to grocery shopping. Let's make this year your fittest yet and start it out the right way.

Here is the link to join:
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