5 Yoga Poses For Hip Openers

If you're someone whose job requires sitting for long periods of time, then chances are, you've lost some flexibility in your legs-particularly your hips.

Tight hips can lead to a variety of issues, including back pain. With these 5 yoga poses, you can open up your hips some more to release any tension build up to make your overall body feel better than ever!

1. Garland Pose
  • This pose is so effective for opening the hips that it’s the position most women use to give birth.
  • Turn your heels so they line up with your hips, turn your toes outward. Bend the knees until you reach a squatted position.
  • Place a blanket under the heels if they have to be lifted while squatting.
  • You can also stack two yoga blocks to sit on to work up to the full integrity of the pose.
  • The Garland Pose increases fluidity in the hips, and stretches the ankles, knees, and lower back. It also strengthens the core muscles.
2. Seated Wide Angle Forward Fold Pose
  • From butterfly pose, extend your legs out to either side of you at a 90 degree angle.
  • If you can straighten the legs, flex the feet, and engage the quadriceps (by lifting your knee cap) to keep your knees from locking.
  • Lean forward slightly and place your hands on the mat.
  • With every inhale, feel your spine growing longer (imagine the crown of your head reaching out in front of you to the wall); with every exhale, allow the body to sink lower (the chest is getting closer to the floor).
3. Diver's Pose
  • From standing, put a soft bend in your knees, come high on the balls of your feet, and start to hinge forward from your waist, keeping your arms on either side of your torso.
  • Allow your head to dive toward the ground, and stay here for five deep breaths.
4.  Legs Up the Wall Pose
  • Sit next to a wall and lie onto your back, bringing your knees into your chest.
  • Place your legs on the wall while wiggling your bottom closer to the wall.
  • Allow your heels to rest gently on the wall. You may place your legs together or apart, whichever feels most comfortable.
  • Extend the arms overhead for an added stretch.
5. Butterfly Pose
  • Sitting tall on your mat, bring the soles of your feet together.
  • Interlace your fingers and place them around the toes.
  • Sit tall, rolling the shoulders back, and gaze past the end of the nose.
  • Lean forward for a deeper stretch, stopping when you start to "feel" the stretch.
  • With every inhale, feel your spine growing longer (imagine the crown of your head reaching out in front of you to the wall); with every exhale, allow the body to sink lower (the chest is getting closer to the floor).
These yoga poses and more are included in The Fit Mommy Booty Boot Camp program! 

++ What to expect in the program ++ 

-A breakdown of the anatomy of the glute muscles and what exercises are best for each muscle.
-A sample day's diet for adding on muscle and burning fat for booty building.
-How to measure your body and take before & after photos.
-A full one week bodyweight workout that you will be following for 4 weeks total.
-Yoga poses that help stretch and build your glutes and legs.
-Tons of tips and motivation.

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