10 Leg Curls
- Lie on the floor with your arms palm down on the ground.
- Rest your feet on the stability ball.
- Inhale, and bend your knees, so that your calves roll the ball toward you.
- Exhale, and roll the ball back out.
10 30-Second Wall Sits
- Place a stability ball against a wall and lean back on it so the top of the ball hits the small of your back, but still touches your lower back and tailbone.
- Place hands on knees, shift weight onto heels, and, with back touching ball, begin to squat down until thighs are parallel to floor (keep knees behind toes).
- Hold for 30 seconds and slowly lift back up.
10 Squats
- Hold the ball with straight arms, so it’s about level with the face or so.
- Squat down holding tightly onto the ball.
- Hang tight in this position for three slow breaths, and then return to standing.
10 Side Leg Lifts (each side)
- Lie on your right side on the stability ball, legs extended straight out and feet stacked.
- Position your right hand in a comfortable spot on the ball, and lift your hips so that your body forms a straight line. This is starting position.
- Keeping your body in that position, slowly raise your left leg as high as you can, in a controlled manner.
- Pause, then slowly return to start.
10 Ball Leg Lifts
- Lie flat on the ground with a stability ball in between your ankles.
- While crunching your upper abs and bracing the center of your abs, slowly squeeze the ball with your ankles.
- Raise the ball upwards towards the ceiling.
- Return to start. This is one rep.