Lose Weight, Win Money With Us!

(Lost 41 lbs, won $187!)

Hey beautiful gals!

We are doing a NEW DietBet game starting on May 18th

It has been a while since our last game, but since summer is right around the corner, we want to help you get into that gorgeous bikini that you have been eyeballing lately!

What's a DietBet? 

It is a fun and motivational game where you will place your bet ($35) that you can lose at least 4% of your starting weight. For example, if you weigh 120lbs, you will need to lose at least 4.8lbs to win the game.

So if you lose the recommended amount of weight, that is right-you win! ALL WINNERS SPLIT THE POT! And most end up winning their bet back, and then some!

We have three players so far and my husband and I will be joining in for the fun as well! I cannot wait to help you to reach your goals this summer!

To sign up: Click here to join the game!

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