Photo Reveals Ghost In the Light of the Helicopter Crash in Florida

A fan posted this photo on Northwest Florida Daily News' Facebook page last night, sparking people's interest into the paranormal since the crash that killed 7 marines and 4 soldiers Tuesday evening.


The captioning included:

"Last night my son and I were just sitting on the beach in Destin when I randomly decided to take this picture. Later that night I was looking at the picture and when I zoomed in a little, I noticed, what looked like, an image of a person walking out of the ocean. The crazy thing is, there was nobody around when I took the picture. In the wake of the horrible military helicopter accident on Tuesday, I couldn't help but think of those brave servicemen who lost their lives. This picture is a reminder (at least in my mind) that their spirit lives on!! I can't say what the figure could be but I thought it may be worth sharing and maybe it will bring peace to those who were affected the most. Thank you to all of the strong, courageous people who serve this country!"

The photo, taken on a beach in Destin, Florida some 20 miles away from the crash site in Navarre, shows an apparition of a person appearing to be standing on the water, out into the distance of the fog.

Many users have taken it upon themselves to edit the picture in different filters to try and clean it up in order to see the figure a little bit better.
Here are some of those images:





Wreckage and remains were found Thursday, two days after the Black Hawk carrying 11 servicemen went down during a training exercise. Two bodies have since been recovered from the sea, and the other 9 are still missing and feared to be dead.

"At this point, we are not hopeful of any survivors and therefore our efforts have shifted to recovery operations," Col. Monte Cannon, vice-commander of 96th Test Wing of Eglin Air Force Base, said during a news conference Thursday.

I happen to live a few miles away so it really hits close to home for me. Since the accident, the whole entire community has come together in mourning over the lost servicemen and their families, holding vigils from Pensecola to Destin.




Whether or not you are a firm believer, this is still pretty cool to ponder. It gives me hope that there are angels out there, walking amongst the Earth, watching over us, everyday.

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